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Beach on Sanibel Island

If you would like to visit some of the beautiful beaches you are seeing in the pictures, then a boat is the right choice. We will be more than happy to provide you with our boat. The 22" boat (Sea Fox 216 CC) has a 175 HP Suzuki 4-stroke autboard engine

Sea Fox Boot

Our boat is equipped with all necessary safety accessories including life vests and maps.

Sea Fox Boot

In Florida, you do not need a license, but you will receive an extensive theoretical and practical boat briefing from our authorized boat manager in which you will, in particular, be trained in the characteristics of the local waters. Florida law requires anyone who was born on or after Jan. 1, 1988 to successfully complete an approved boating safety course and obtain a Boating Safety Education Identification Card issued by the FWC. BoatUS offer a free online course. To the course. Click!

Sea Fox Boot

Our boat is provided with insurance and liability also we have an unlimited towing service.

Thus, there is nothing standing in the way between you and your boat trip to one of the islands nearby or to one of the many waterfront restaurants.

Barnacle Phil`s Restaurant Captiva North
Sea Fox Boot

Lightning whelk shell from the sanibel beach

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